All auto accidents can be extremely dangerous but if you are involved in an accident while riding a motorcycle, it can be life threatening. Motorcycles are small and are often not seen until it is too late to avoid a collision. If you are riding a motorcycle, you should take all precautions to avoid being hit by an automobile. The best way to avoid an accident if you are riding a motorcycle is to obey the speed limit. Often motorcycle riders like to ride fast and some even weave between vehicles driving in traffic. This is a good way to cause an accident which could be life threatening. Speed limits are put in to place for all vehicles on the road, not just automobiles, but for motorcycles too. If you are speeding and a vehicle pulls out into traffic or merges into your lane and does not see you, you will not be able to stop in time to avoid a collision. If you are involved in a collision while on a motorcycle, you will more than likely be thrown from the motorcycle and land on the road due to no safety belts. If this happens, there is also a good chance that you could be run over by another vehicle on the road who was unable to stop in time. Motorcycle accidents can be life threatening because there are no air bags surrounding you to protect you like there is in an automobile. If you are thrown from your vehicle, the only thing protecting you is your crash helmet if you are wearing one. If you are not wearing a crash helmet, there is a very large chance that you could sustain a severe brain injury or even death.
While coming to a stop for traffic, some motorcycle riders will stop beside your vehicle instead of behind you. This is to avoid being hit by another vehicle from behind. If a motorcycle is rear ended, it can then be pushed into the vehicle stopped in front of them and the motorcycle rider and the bike can be pinned between the vehicles. An experienced motorcycle rider knows this is a good way to avoid a rear end accident. Motorcycle riders should also avoid passing other vehicles unless it is completely safe to do so. Passing a vehicle in the same lane is extremely dangerous, not only to the motorcycle driver but to the occupants in the vehicle. If you are driving a motorcycle and wish to pass the vehicle in front of you, you should always wait until the next lane is clear before proceeding to pass. Weaving in an out of traffic on a motorcycle is also highly dangerous. If you must pass the vehicles in front of you, you should always wait until it is safe to pass each vehicle at a safe speed and distance.
Anyone operating a motor vehicle, especially motorcycle riders, should never drink and drive. This is a sure way to end up in an accident. If you drink and drive while on a motorcycle, you probably will not even be able to hold you motorcycle up, let alone start it and be able to drive. If you do end up being able to ride the motorcycle while intoxicated, there is an excellent chance you could fall off the motorcycle or run into another vehicle. If you are found to have caused an accident while intoxicated, you will be arrested and charged for a DUI. You will likely lose your drivers license and will be fined or put in jail for a period of time. Drinking and driving a motorcycle is probably one of the most dangerous things you could do because you could not only injure yourself, you could cause a huge accident and injure other people on the road.
People who are operating a motorcycle also need to also look out for road hazards such as potholes, construction, and debris in the road. If you hit a pothole or debris while riding a motorcycle, you stand the chance of being thrown from your motorcycle or damaging your motorcycle. If you are thrown from your motorcycle, you could end up being run over or struck by other vehicles on the road who are not able to stop in time. Maintaining a safe driving speed will allow you to see and react to any upcoming road hazards or construction areas. Motorcycles riders have a higher chance of an injury or damage from road hazards than automobiles as it is much harder to regain control of a motorcycle.
If you are driving an automobile, you have the responsibility to look out for other vehicles on the road, especially motorcycles. Some motorcycles are extremely fast and small, and it can be hard to see them coming. You should always look twice before pulling into traffic or merging into the next lane just in case a motorcycle is present. If you end up colliding with a motorcycle, chances are the motorcycle rider could be severely injured. During an accident with a motorcycle, some motorcycles and the driver can end up under your vehicle if the collision was severe enough.
Crash helmet and protective clothing are designed to help limit any injuries you sustain in a motorcycle accident. Obviously, some accidents are more severe than others and not all crash helmets or protective clothing can save you from a life threating injury. If you are fortunate enough to be spared a traumatic injury because of your crash helmet, it is always recommended you purchase a new helmet before you ride again as the integrity of the helmet can be compromised and may not be able to hold up to the blow the next time you are involved in an accident. If you are involved in an accident on your motorcycle and the accident was not your fault, the insurance company of the at fault party may be able to reimburse you for your new motorcycle helmet if you purchase a new one.