As driving conditions get worse the need for good financial protection is essential in case an accident happens. One of the best ways to create a financial net is to make sure you have the right amount of auto insurance. Minimum liability auto insurance Is required in most states, so it is a good idea to add collision auto insurance. But when to have stacked insurance or unstacked is a measure someone should consider after research and discussing with your agent options best for you. Important things to keep in mind is that if you have liability auto insurance the insurance company pays benefits to the party who was not at fault in the accident caused. It comes with bodily injury protection, extending coverage to medical expenses. Collision does not have a fault clause and that means that the insured can claim benefits for their car repairs. Winter is a really good time to have this when driving conditions worsen. In Florida, the same can be said for the storms. Some states have very dangerous driving conditions in warm weather.
Finding the best coverage online auto insurance quotes are a good place to start. Online quotes are a great way of finding affordable coverage in a simple and efficient way. You can get multiple rates on different plans on just one site or use several to get a good balance of costs. One good site is it offers a broad variety of insurance quotes and its unique that it does not simply stick to one kind of insurance company. It offers a wide choice so you can get the best deal and get the best information to make the right choice.
Here is the basic low down on whether to get stacked or unstacked insurance. Owning more than one vehicle or if you have a financially nice life, this makes for a good buy. Financial security is a good choice in today's times. No one after building a good foundation for their future would want to see it gone in an instant. Being under-insured is wasting your hard-earned dollars. Having the right kind and amount is very valuable. If you are older this kind of insurance helps to protect you from having to start over, which in some cases is impossible. Auto insurance is a very important investment that gives financial coverage in case of an accident. Drivers should really think when choosing their car insurance to make sure its the best fit. You should always review many different policies because of the wide differences in premium prices.
Increases in the cost of living have made many rethink their extra coverage. The rising price of gas, food, electricity, and insurance often makes it a struggle to maintain a standard of living. Many have stopped impulse purchases and changed some of their insurance policies for lower premiums. Be careful in letting insurance go that is important to your way of life. Many Floridians are wondering if they should switch from stacked to unstacked and this is especially true for older people. But according to CDC statistics older Florida drivers being involved in serious accidents is high. The risk of being injured or killed in an accident increases as we age. According to the CDC in 2017 almost 7,700 older people were killed and over 250,000 were treated in emergency rooms. That means that 20 adults are killed and 700 injured. Generally, older people do use more driver safe behavior like wearing seat belts, not driving during bad road conditions, and not drinking and driving. The use of seat belts is one of the most effective ways to save lives and reduce injuries. Driving in bad weather and at night increases the chances of a crash with injury or death. Drinking and driving increases risk factors due to reduced coordination and impaired judgment.
So basically stacking gives you more protection if your in an accident with an uninsured motorist or under-insured motorist and you are not at fault. A stacked policy increases the limit of how much an insurance company will pay for crash injuries to people in a vehicle if the driver is uninsured or under-insured. Stacked auto coverage is allowed in many states, including Florida. The stacking option allows a policyholder to layer one vehicle's coverage on top of other vehicle coverage to multiply the coverage for uninsured or under-insured motorists. The higher limit depends on how many vehicles the policy covers. Stacking is just not for cars and SUVs it also includes motor homes and motorcycles. This extra coverage is useful when a policy's current limits are not enough to ensure the damages and injuries, so if people in a vehicle are badly hurt and the other motorist does not have proper coverage, there's more available coverage. If the policy is unstacked coverage is limited to the face value of the policy no matter how many cars are covered by the policy. Outside of Florida, some stacking options may be available for those called snowbirds. Those who tag one vehicle in Florida and another in a different state. Details could vary so make sure you check with your agent on the policy language on certain coverage.