Syndesmotic Injuries After an Accident

Get An Experienced Florida Broken Bone Injury Attorney On Your Side

Ankle Injury RepairThe ankle is a network of ligaments and bone structure that offer a high degree of stability and limited flexibility. As a result, ankle fractures from spraining, straining, or high-energy impacts (like falling from a ladder or car accidents) are common. One of the worst types of injuries to receive is a syndesmotic injury. Syndesmotic injuries occur at the juncture between the tibia and fibula on top of the talus, also known as the syndesmosis (ergo, the name).

The syndesmosis is a fairly limited joint—its primary purpose is to make the ankle joint stable. It’s not supposed to move much, allowing the talus and other foot bones to move more freely. However, when it breaks, it threatens the stability of your lower leg. Ankle sprains are particularly damaging to the syndesmosis because the twisting motion causes the bones to cross each other, causing a fracture. The same movement also causes ligament damage to the area.

The most common risks of syndesmotic injury are:

Because syndesmotic injury makes your foot upper ankle unstable, it could threaten your mobility and long-term health without proper treatment. A traumatic fracture of the syndesmosis will likely require surgery to correct (but only if the syndesmosis isn’t stable). As a last resort, reduction and fixation surgery repositions the ligaments and bone fragments into their proper place using pins, screws, and plates. A metal plate is placed on the fibula, with screws holding the tibia in place relative to the fibula. These need to be left in place for 6-8 weeks until the bones fully heal.

Were You Injured by Someone Else?

At Trial Pro, we work for clients who have been injured in accidents of all kinds. Our Florida broken bone attorneys are highly familiar with foot and ankle fractures, allowing us to understand the pain you’re feeling, the costs you’re accruing, and the fears you’re facing. If you’re wondering if you have a case, our team is happy to answer your questions about your injury, whether you have a case, and how much your injury will cost you (both short-term and long-term).

Call 800-874-2577 or contact us online for a free, confidential discussion about your case.