What You Need to Know About Arthritis and Accident Injuries

Aggressive Florida Broken Bone Injury Attorneys

Arthritis includes any condition that causes inflammation in your joints, and includes over 100 different types of joint disease. It is the leading cause of disability in the United States. One of the most common forms of arthritis occurs when cartilage wears away, causing unprotected bone surfaces to rub against each other during movement. This can be extremely painful and eventually wears away the bone—requiring partial or total replacement of the joint. This is known as osteoarthritis.

The telltale signs of osteoarthritis include:

Our page today focuses on osteoarthritis because it is the most likely type of joint disorder to result from an injury. In contrast, rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease and is genetic rather than purely mechanical.

How Can Accidents Cause Arthritis?

Severe bone fractures (an injury we are highly familiar with at Trial Pro) also cause damage to the ligaments that hold your bones together. The normally stable and efficient structure of the joint can become slightly malformed during the healing process. This slight change—either from bone positioning or poor ligament healing—leads to inefficient movement, which wears out articular cartilage. This signals the beginning stages of osteoarthritis (also known as post-traumatic arthritis).

Post-traumatic arthritis can be caused by:

If you developed arthritis after a severe accident, those events may be connected. Speak with a Florida broken bone attorney at Trial Pro. Our team is familiar with all types of bone fracture injuries, so we understand the long-term costs, effects, and conditions associated with severe fractures. We can help you understand if you have a case, how much you may be entitled to, and what you should do next.

Get Help With Your Accident Injuries Today

Call 800-874-2577 to reach our Florida bone break lawyers. We can come to you on nights and weekends, and we hold appointments from our offices in Orlando, Naples, Fort Myers, and more.